A Thank You From Us Here At BANGshift On This Memorial Day

It’s Memorial Day today, and I hope that this year it holds a little more meaning and that we all realize a little more appreciation is in order. Memorial Day is a day to remember and honor those people who gave their lives in order to defend our way of life here in America. It is important to remember that this is a different holiday than Veteran’s Day and that this distinction has perhaps never been more important to realize. As the world watches teachers, accountants, plumbers, software developers, and other regular folks in Ukraine defending their country, we are reminded that throughout our own history there have been many many people who have helped to defend it, many with and many without a military uniform. We must honor them all on this day.

We have long honored veterans here at BANGshift and realize that there are many of you out there who are fellow racing and automotive enthusiasts, who have served, know someone who has, or know someone who never came home. We appreciate that ultimate sacrifice and thank them for doing what had to be done.

We often take for granted what we have here at home and can get caught up in the pursuit of the small things, at the expense of realizing the big things that have been fought for and that people died for. Not today. To all those that never came home, or who have died defending us when we didn’t even know we needed defending, we thank you.

And to anyone whose job puts these United States of America first, we applaud you and thank you as well. You do your predecessors proud.

Enjoy this Memorial Day 2022, and make sure you remember what it took to get here. We owe a lot to those who have defended these freedoms in the sacrifice of their own lives.

Today I thought these two quotes appropriate. Hug your families, be well, and remember…


“Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die.”

G.K. Chesterton

“There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured with what is right in America.”

William J. Clinton

The post A Thank You From Us Here At BANGshift On This Memorial Day appeared first on BangShift.com.

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